Monday, January 26, 2009

a win for women globally...

ever heard of the Global Gag Rule (a.k.a. Mexico City Policy) - it prohibited family planning programs in other nations that receive US aid from using non-US monies for abortion counseling, advocacy, and referrals... can you believe the power america has...

well, Obama's lifted the ban... that's a good thing for women everywhere... but, Clinton already did it, then Bush came along and undid it... Obama's done it - but when is someone going to make it 'unchangeable' or is it going to be able to be undone again some time in the future??? let's hope not... women deserve better... they deserve to know where they stand rather than being pawns in some high-powered male chess game!!!!

of course 'the church' (in all it's forms and denominations) isn't exactly ecstatic by the decision... but all that can be said to them is...

closer to home...

it's January 26th - mean anything in particular to you???? invasion day maybe? survival day or australia day (sounds like an invasion to me!!)...

I'm of the 'invasion day' persuasion... so here's some music to go along with my beliefs...

oooohhhhh... sorry, i just get lost in YouTube.... all those songs from my youth - i just have to listen to them... I was lucky that my early life was part of a really political time - the 60s and 70s were full of change, change and more change - consequently it takes me a loooooooooong time to get a playlist together...

but i hope you enjoy... goanna, yothu yindi, the oils, the masters apprentices (now there's a micro-story... Jim Keayes and Glenn Wheatley (when he was spunky - before he was a 'businessman' who didn't pay his taxes - and as you've no doubt have been able to gather, i don't break the law!!!! ha!!!!!) had to wake Irene and me up out of a 'mandy' induced 'coma' (mandrax, the best gutter drug you could ever have experienced - forerunner to sarapax - but oh, sooooo much better! - you could drop it, smoke it, snort it (and who knows what else!!!!) - we were in a laundromat, they wanted the washing machine - pub bands didn't make much money in those days - we all lived in the same street, we all had to do the same shit no matter what state we were in - ahhh, life in suburbia!!!! life was just sex, drugs an' rock'n'roll then.... i think the emphasis was on drugs at that time)... ruby hunter, archie roach... etc. etc. etc.

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