Tuesday, April 3, 2012

debunking the 'human superiority' myth...

thought i'd share this just-released documentary, "the superior human? ... the first documentary to systematically challenge the common human belief that humans are superior to other life forms. The documentary reveals the absurdity of this belief while exploding human bias."... written and directed by samuel mcanallen, featuring gary yourofsky, bernard rollin, richard ryder, and steven best, and dedicated to "2012 Earth April (EA) which includes Earth Day and World Lab Animal Day"...

if you're pressed for time you can watch the 2 minute trailer here - and watch the full feature later!


parlance said...

I watched the trailer, because I suspected that would be all I could manage emotionally. I already believe we have lost our way as a species. But I guess this type of documentary might effect some change, so I think such reports have to be made.

I feel pessimistic about whether we as a species can change, because we seem, overall, to be driven by our primitive brain, which never changes. It evolved long ago when there were fewer of us, food was less available and the world was different, and nowadays we can't seem to understand where we fit into the pattern of the world.

proud womon said...

the trailer doesn't do the movie justice parlance...

perhaps i should have mentioned this doesn't contain the graphic horrors and brutality that exposes of the intensive breeding and death industries contain... this is based on evolutionary theory, shows the miniscule human footprint (but major impact) compared to the earth's age and other species that have been/were around far longer...

there's a brief review online at psychology today if interested...

and sadly graphic horror stories need to be made, shared and viewed otherwise nothing changes... if it wasn't for people like lyn white and debra tranter & their teams of helpers obtaining footage the population would still be in denial that brutality and heinous conditions exist in these industries... the animal rights movement is gaining more and more support and is a real threat to those with vested interests, so much so that iowa is aiming for a new law making filming of factory farm abuse a felony - the abusers get protected - the activists get gaol, and of course the animals suffer unfettered atrocities...

back to the movie, i found it to be extremely watchable... it's an opportunity for us to ponder what's important and where we fit in with other species...

parlance said...

Ohhh... maybe you should add a brief post telling people what you've just said. I think I will watch it, then.

Bloody Iowa! When will be get past this strange period in human history where we think 'business and economy' is what life is about?