Thursday, June 11, 2015

they go hand in hand...

feminism and veganism...

feminism - "The goal of feminism is to dismantle the hierarchical system that values certain groups over others: men over women, whites over blacks, straights over gays and so on. This false hierarchy permits the exploitation of those at the bottom by the powerful at the top. But mainstream feminism is failing to include non-human animals in the equation – and this needs to change..." from 'feminism must stop ignoring animals' by ruby hamad...

veganism - is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude - as far as is possible and practicable - all forms of animal exploitation and cruelty for any reason, including medicine, food, clothing, entertainment or for any other purpose... in dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals. In short, veganism is a philosophical position and not a diet... from 'your vegan fallacy is...', a wonderful new resource that has many articles on the misconceptions surrounding veganism...

this is the latest vegan street meme - why not check out the vegan street blog
formerly known as vegan feminist agitator

do you call yourself a feminist? do you believe in equality for all? do you believe in reproductive rights? do you believe our bodies belong to us? have you made the connection yet? then surely you believe in every sentient beings right to live their lives free from harm, free from enslavement, free from exploitation... if so your next logical step has to be veganism, it is a moral imperative, the ethical baseline that really will change this world...

want some 'brain food' - check out the blog 'there's an elephant in the room' - just brilliant...

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