Sunday, February 6, 2011

time out...

after three and a half years of regular blogging i've decided to take a break - for how long? your guess is as good as mine... i've shared a lot of myself over that time, but now i have a need to contemplate, take stock and continue my life journey privately... perhaps it's an ending, or maybe a beginning - i might change the blog, or create a totally new one... who knows - only time will tell... 

i'll leave you with clips of two admirable womyn - both long term stayers in the fickle music industry - marianne faithfull with the ballad of lucy jordan and sharon o'neill with maxine...



  1. farewell, I hope you find a place to keep exploring yourself and your politics. Reading your blog has been amazing, at times difficult and always thought provoking. I hope that some of what you don't get to say here can still be said between us, and I understand the need to keep some space 'safe' from the comments and opinions of others. I don't know what's happening with sailor lily, I know I love her still but she too is under some kind of transformation. Would you consider using 'wise' for a photo-history of your life, like Larry does?

  2. thanks amanda, your thoughts and understanding are much appreciated - as has been your encouragement throughout my blogging time... and yes friend, we will continue to talk, your support through my ups and downs has been invaluable - i'm just no longer able to share my pain through this forum...

    i do enjoy viewing the photos both you and larry are sharing, but i don't know what direction, if any, i will take...


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