Monday, February 25, 2008

Interested in Astrology???

I know, still not doing those 2.1 'tasks'... but at least I'm working on my blog!!!

Can't say I'm 'right into' astrology, but I do find the Celtic lunar year symbols far more interesting than the 'traditional' zodiac signs ... here's a quick overview of what Celtic astrology is based on...

The interpretations seem to be far more accurate - well they describe the people I know far better... check out your sign and see what you think...

and this is how the Celtic Lunar Year compares with the traditional Zodiac year...

and if you're really interested, check out Novareinna for a more in-depth interpretation of the symbolism.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Havin' a whinge....

I've been slack about doing the 2.1 stuff... well, not so much slack, just exhausted!!!! We're so busy at work - overworked, understaffed and underpaid - but I guess that's the same for most workers out there!!!! Unfortunately we're losing two more staff members... something to really look forward to!!!!

If you work in a library I'll bet you've had 'meltdown' moments when you just wanted to say...

I also found this cartoon and uploaded it because it made me laugh...


It's from the Super Librarian Comic Book, part of a youth services programme 'devised' by the New Jersey State Library.

(I think it's like this for ALL library workers though, not just librarians!!!! - it is in 'my' library!!!)

I've also got a building site right next door to me... it's driving me crazy... the noise, the lack of privacy, the wall of the monstrosity is now part of the side fence - but it hasn't been finished yet so consequently my garden has been pretty much destroyed down the sideway...

This is my poor lime tree stump - I saw the developer today - you know the type - shifty, sleazy, full of shit - he told me he was hoping it would "come back" so he wouldn't have to replace it!!!! It was 5' tall before it got destroyed!!!! Then there's my poor sick lemon tree - it had part of a fence leaning against it for a few months... and the other photo is right outside my kitchen window (taken at dusk so it's a bit hard to see it properly) - I just live in a little cottage in a narrow one-way street so it's really, really close, which makes it really, really noisy!!! and it's now also quite dark with 30' concrete slab walls blocking most of the light!!!!

So, after all that 'ranting and raving' - consequently I haven't gotten around to doing anymore in the Learning 2.1 (unofficial) programme for a while... I hope to remedy that soon...

Saturday, February 16, 2008


I've just received my latest Animal Liberation newsletter and felt sick when I read and saw what cruelty is being perpetrated against rabbits at Monash University - it's 2008 for fuck's sake - and we're still using, abusing, maiming, torturing and murdering animals in the name of "research and training" - we don't accept that as a valid excuse for murdering whales - why do we accept it for other animals???

I also had a close friend send me this email the other day...

"I read the other day that chimps are given the HEPC virus and then they test the new drugs on them. It is so unnecessary if they want to test drugs let them do it on the humans and see what the real results are.. very depressing people are so far removed from other creatures and the environment no empathy or understanding that the creatures and the environment cannot survive if humans continue to behave like this."

I just want to add here that my friend HAS HEP C so her comments are extremely personal and pertinent!!! (Just to set the record straight!!!)






Monday, February 4, 2008

Couldn't resist....

I was sent this animation by a friend... couldn't resist putting it up - if you have a feline friend you probably know what it's like when your babe wants you to wake up...

the only thing my boy doesn't do is hit me with a baseball bat - but he's not at all concerned about knocking things off the bedside tables onto me though!!!!